welcome to cyber scoli

straight talk about scoliosis

about cyber scoli

Cyberscoli is an online support group for people dealing with scoliosis. As I struggled through various phases of scoliosis, I often felt confused and alone. I wished that I had a support system of people who were going through the same experiences as me and understood how I was feeling. I created cyberscoli so that everyone dealing with scoliosis could have that support system and community. To make this community accessible to all, cyberscoli is internet and social media-based and offers virtual support groups online.

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About 7 million people in the U.S. suffer from scoliosis, an abnormal curvature of the spine that can cause pain, limited mobility and poor posture. Most scoliosis patients are children who without monitoring or treatment could end up with extremely severe cases. Fortunately, doctors offer a wide range of treatment options ranging from physical therapy to braces to scoliosis surgery. The key to all of these treatment options is early diagnosis. If we detect scoliosis early enough, braces may be sufficient to stop the progression. If not caught early, there are highly effective scoliosis surgeries.

Reprinted with permission from the National Scoliosis Foundation (scoliosis.org)


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April 1st, 2024

@ 8:00pm EST

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Approximately 63% of adolescents with scoliosis have back pain.
Scoliosis represents bout 20% of all spinal deformity cases in the United States.
Only 5% of scoliosis patients stated that they talked about their feelings with a health professional, while 90% would welcome the opportunity!
Approximately 40% of adult scoliosis patients experience a progression in their condition.
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